I don’t understand how you can have the fire of the Holy Spirit inside you by the blood of Jesus and not move and do tell people about him and serve him and love him actively love is an action verb, not a passive emotion when you’re dealing with the God of all creation.

God gave us his best when he gave us Jesus how could we give him anything less we are bought with a price more precious than anything else ever given we owe him everything gladly the biggest emotion that should illicit is gratitude and humility that the king of Kings and Lord of Lords would even consider us let alone die to save us it’s the best news ever it should be spreading like wildfire.

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The example that Paul lived was a direct result of the impact of the encounter he had with Jesus Christ. It is impossible to have an encounter with Jesus Christ and not leave changed. The same way that Jesus left heaven, and even though he is equal with God, humbled himself to walk this earth as a man Paul gave up all of his worldly privileges and suffered beatings and near death and snake bites and shipwrecks, and all manner of abuses to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ He walked the footsteps of Jesus and example that he left

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